Our Testimonials

Hear what our apprentices have to say about our apprenticeships.

Develop individuals. Develop companies.

MBKB has helped shape who I am today, and the knowledge and attributes in my role by giving me a widespread generalist understanding of Business Admin, and how these feeds into my role specifically. I would definitely recommend MBKB to anyone moving forward who is looking for an apprenticeship; both of my tutors, Gemma, and Shell, were incredible and I couldn’t have done this without their continuous support, always being there when I emailed (any hour of the day) and helping me work through modules and questions week by week.

Megan Watkins from NHS South, Central & West Commissioning Support Unit

“My name is Megan and I’ve been working for the NHS since January 2020 in administrative roles. As part of my role, I decided to explore further learning and decided an Apprenticeship would be a really good opportunity to gain skills and knowledge in areas I hadn’t yet been exposed to in my role. I completed the Business Administration Level 3 Apprenticeship with MBKB in 2023/4, as well as the Edward Jenner Leadership Course too.

The top three things I gained from this apprenticeship were confidence; I gained the confidence to present my work,  speak to stakeholders, manage, and coordinate my own work and meet deadlines. I also developed the knowledge and understanding in areas I hadn’t yet been exposed to, including finance, policies, and regulations the workplace must follow, understanding the impact on these further. This apprenticeship also helped me learn the importance of continuous personal development, and how necessary it is to continuously learn and grow within your role by exploring additional courses that can increase your skills.

My career goals are to progress within the NHS. Since completing this role, I have begun my new role within the HR Sector within the NHS, which was a huge promotion from the role I initially had when undertaking this apprenticeship. I’d like to work my way up the Operational – route within the NHS, or possibly the private sector one day.

MBKB has helped shape who I am today, and the knowledge and attributes in my role by giving me a widespread generalist understanding of Business Admin, and how these feeds into my role specifically. I would definitely recommend MBKB to anyone moving forward who is looking for an apprenticeship; both of my tutors, Gemma, and Shell, were incredible and I couldn’t have done this without their continuous support, always being there when I emailed (any hour of the day) and helping me work through modules and questions week by week.”


Apprenticeship – Business Administration

Employer – NHS South, Central & West Commissioning Support Unit

The exposure to real-world challenges and the chance to contribute meaningfully to projects has equipped me with practical skills that extend beyond the classroom.

Felicia Pieleanu from Bakkavor

“In January 2021 taking the opportunity to start my new career journey with Bakkavor I had the privilege of undergoing the Payroll Administrator Level 3 Apprenticeship with MBKB, and it has been an enriching experience that surpassed my expectations.

The hands-on learning, coupled with the guidance of skilled mentors, has been instrumental in shaping my professional growth.

The exposure to real-world challenges and the chance to contribute meaningfully to projects has equipped me with practical skills that extend beyond the classroom.

Also, undertaking this apprenticeship under the guidance of my manager Sharon W. has been an incredibly positive experience. Her leadership style is a perfect blend of encouragement and support, creating a motivating work and learning environment.

I am grateful for the supportive environment and the opportunities for learning and development that MBKB has provided, laying a solid foundation for my future career.

My tutor Claire B has played a pivotal role in my educational journey, offering unwavering support and guidance.”


Apprenticeship – Payroll Administrator

Employer – Bakkavor

Without completing my apprenticeship, I would never have even considered applying for the management role that I have gone into.

Jaye Latimer from Resq

“I started my apprenticeship while in a team leader role within my organisation when it was offered to me by one of my line managers. I’ve always been the type of person to take any opportunities that come my way having previously completed a degree in Psychology and a Masters in Forensic Psychology. These qualifications put me in good stead for completing the apprenticeship, however, even if I hadn’t had these experiences, MBKB made the process so seamless and easy to understand that I’m sure I would have passed with flying colours. From completing my apprentice, I’ve gained a promotion within my organisation and am on track to keep developing moving forward. Without completing my apprenticeship, I would never have even considered applying for the management role that I have gone into.”


Apprenticeship – Team Leader / Supervisor

Employer – Resq

Learning with MBKB and having the best tutor, made it even more promising as I had someone that ensured I was able to grasp all the varying aspects of payroll and pushed me to continuously be and do my best.

Djeny Matuasilva from AS Robins LLP

“Coming into the world of payroll was something very new yet exciting.

Being given the opportunity to gain the knowledge, experience and understanding of payroll through an apprenticeship meant that I had another occasion to not only get back into education and gain more credentials but to also be in a career in which I could continuously grow.

Learning with MBKB and having the best tutor, made it even more promising as I had someone that ensured I was able to grasp all the varying aspects of payroll and pushed me to continuously be and do my best.

I would recommend anyone, wanting to go into payroll to use the opportunity to go through the route of an apprenticeship and with MBKB as it has been a real benefit for me personally and in my career.”


Apprenticeship – Payroll Administrator 

Employer – AS Robins LLP

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