Level 7
Senior People Professional Apprenticeship Level 7
This occupation is found in small, medium andlarge organisations which sit within any of thepublic, private or third sectors. Senior PeopleProfessionals are found in all industries and are akey component of virtually all types of businessmodel where there is a workforce to support andmanage.The broad purpose of the occupation is toimprove people practices in organisations inorder to drive organisational performance andeffectiveness. Senior People Professionals are thein-house experts in people, work and change. Theychampion the people agenda to create workingenvironments and cultures that help get the bestout of people, delivering great organisationaloutcomes.

Programme overview:
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation
interacts with a range of stakeholders across their
organisation, creating medium to long-term value
for a wide audience. In larger organisations, they
may be part of a wider specialist team. They may
also lead a team of HR/L&D/OD consultants/
advisers. In smaller organisations, they might be
solely responsible for the entire people agenda
and report directly to the organisation lead. At this
level, Senior People Professionals are ambassadors
for their organisations and will typically have wideranging
What will you gain?
Pathway Options
Senior Human Resources – (HR)
Senior Learning and Development – (L&D)
Senior Organisational Development – (OD)
Register your interest

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At MBKB, we will work closely with you to get to know your organisation and it’s needs, ensuring that we can tailor all of our training programmes to meet these needs and help to transform your talented workforce.