Strategy Redefined
We offer expertise to help you optimise efficiency & productivity. To help you develop your ‘under exploited value’…. Find out more about ‘Strategy Redefined’ below;

Strategy Redefined: How MBKB can help?
Consultancy usually offers cliché after cliché, you cannot see the wood for the trees, let’s get some blue-sky thinking on that and don’t even talk to me about that box.
Not us, we deliver results.
We guarantee to maximise your people and business from within. We have a truly unique set of individual experts that form our team. Let me give you an example. If you were a professional athlete you would have a team around you, each one an expert, from logistics to nutrition, from training to equipment. So why should it be different for Businesses and business leaders? It shouldn’t.
Our team is each sourced from various expertise, employee engagement, mindset and communications, finance, customer loyalty, quality management, problem solvers, critical thinkers. Each with a proven track record and passion for a specific subject. So once we have got under the skin of your business and needs, our strategic plan may involve several of our team or just one, depending upon your needs, but what we can guarantee is an unrivalled level of expertise.
Our Approach
Just as with our clients we pride ourselves on the service levels our team receives. We are blessed to have such a dedicated, experienced and customer-focused team.

Strategy Redefined: Research
The key to any strategy is knowing and understanding exactly where you are now.
We offer several depths of research and surveys to include internal and external resources, effectiveness, productivity and growth room.
Each analysis program is built around your company and provides a unique analysis not only of your current position but market factors, peers and fluctuations.

Strategy Redefined: Analysis
From the research we provide, we can give you a detailed strategic analysis of your business with options and solutions.
Unlike other consultancies, we filter each element of your business:
• Product/Service
• Finance
• Human
• Leadership and Management
• Market share
• Competition
• Processes
Through our entire team of experts, resulting in an advanced practitioner drilling down into the minute details of each area, providing oversight and suggested ideas. Our Team then analysis their findings against your research results to develop a range of creative solutions.

Creative Implementation
Working with you and your teams we have systems to create an engaged workforce and ensure the whole business is working to the strategic aim. This often starts with one of our bespoke meetings (see Human Capital). A six pillars roadmap is designed with KPI’s, metrics, touch points and focused targets.

Monitoring and Driving
Working with you to re-envisage or design new processes, at this stage it’s all about maintaining that drive to the next level and then surpassing it. Implementing quality assurance and monitoring systems, amending meeting agendas, developing team KPI’s, rewriting appraisals and communication channels, all of which are often overlooked when new strategies are implemented.
In order for any new direction of the business to be achieved and maintained it is vital that every facet of the business is focused on achieving the aims, meeting metrics and being something to be proud of.

We work with the best companies in the UK
At MBKB, we will work closely with you to get to know your organisation and it’s needs, ensuring that we can tailor all of our training programmes to meet these needs and help to transform your talented workforce.