“Empowering to self-discover the secrets of your success and elevate your future”. At MBKB we don’t believe in work life balance we only believe in life, we also believe in putting people first in everything that you do, starting with our team, apprentices and employers. We offer guidance, support, training and ultimately coaching to help each individual become the best version of themselves, as such we wanted to create a vision statement and mission statements that embody all that MBKB, what our aspirations for all our apprentices and their employers are and how we will work to achieve this.We believe we have done this and we are delighted to unveil our new Vision and Mission statements. We would welcome your feedback and thoughts on these and look forward to working with you all.

To be REBELS within the industry:
R- recognise the diversity of talent that we work with, at all levels
E- enhance knowledge, understanding & confidence; internally and externally
B – build relationships with the highest integrity
E- encourage personality & flair
L – listen, respond & adapt to our partners’ needs
S – support, tailor & facilitate the highest quality learning