3rd December 2020
New CJRS Claim Deadlines
There are now 14 day deadlines for CJRS claims.
An announcement that is making life very difficult for many employers, CJRS claims for periods on/after 1 November must be submitted within 14 calendar days after the month they relate to, unless this falls on a weekend, in which case the deadline is the next week day.
I have already heard from employers who will struggle to meet this new deadline and I have raised these concerns with HMRC who tell me that the new two week cut off for claims was directed by the Chancellor. HMRC have fed all comments back up the chain to HM Treasury but they cannot promise that this deadline will change.
The current instruction is that employers must complete their claim by the deadline and take reasonable care to ensure their claim is correct.
The new furlough claim deadlines are as follows: