23rd February 2021
Extension to Gender Pay Gap reporting deadline due to COVID-19

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has announced a six month extension to the Gender Pay Gap reporting deadlines this year due to the impact of COVID‑19.
Each year employers with more than 250 employees on the snapshot date must calculate, report and publish the following gender pay gap figures:
- percentage of men and women in each hourly pay quarter
- mean (average) gender pay gap using hourly pay
- median gender pay gap using hourly pay
- percentage of men and women receiving bonus pay
- mean (average) gender pay gap using bonus pay
- median gender pay gap using bonus pay
The snapshot date and reporting deadline is determined by which regulations the employer comes under.
The snapshot date each year is:
- 31 March for most public authority employers
These employers must report and publish their gender pay gap information by 30 March of the following year
These employers must report and publish their gender pay gap information and written statement by 4 April of the following year.
However, due to the impact of COVID-19 the EHRC has announced that, though the snapshot dates remain unchanged, employers now have until 5 October 2021 to report their gender pay gap information for the 20/21 reporting year. No enforcement action will be taken if they report by then.